Since 1998, the Evergreen program has been an easy and affordable way for members of the Cooperative to support the development of renewable energy which includes utility-scale solar installations.  Dairyland Power Cooperative developed this program to provide members an opportunity to voluntarily contribute to the increased use of renewable energy sources without installing their own system.


Evergreen Everyone

This is the original Evergreen program that enables members to support utility-scale renewable energy in increments of 100 (kWh) blocks for just $0.65 per block per month.

Evergreen Everyday

Members who enroll in a storage strategy for their electric water heater will receive up to four Evergreen blocks to help keep their water hot.

Evergreen Everywhere

Members who charge their electric vehicle during off-peak hours will receive up to four Evergreen blocks.

Evergreen Everything

Through Evergreen Everything, members can choose to have 100 percent of their electricity use generated by renewable energy for $0.65 per 100 kWh block. The average cooperative home uses around 1,000 kWh per month, which equals $6.50 per month.

Evergreen for Business

With Evergreen for Business, member businesses and government entities can meet their green energy or sustainability goals while also supporting increased opportunities for additional renewable energy generation sources.  To learn more, click the link below.

Evergreen for Business

Evergreen Program logo

Frequently Asked Questions

Evergreen is an opportunity for electric cooperative members to voluntarily contribute to the increased use of renewable energy sources. Private ownership of renewable energy does not work for everyone. A member’s property may not support it or the upfront costs and maintenance may be too great. Evergreen is an easy way for any cooperative member to do their part to “be green.” Participation in Evergreen is separate from any federal or state requirements.

There are many ways to power a home, farm, or business through Evergreen. In addition to supporting renewable energy, members can choose which opportunity is best for their lifestyle:

  • Evergreen Everyone: Members can support renewable energy in increments of 100 kilowatt-hour (kWh) blocks for just $0.65 per block per month.
  • Evergreen Everyday: Members who enroll in a storage strategy for their electric water heater will receive up to four Evergreen blocks to help keep their water hot.
  • Evergreen Everywhere: Members who charge an electric vehicle during off-peak hours can receive up to four Evergreen blocks.
  • Evergreen Everything: Through Evergreen Everything, members can choose to have 100 percent of their electricity use generated by renewable energy for $0.65 per 100 kWh block. The average cooperative home uses around 1,000 kWh per month, which equals $6.50 per month.

Each Evergreen block is tracked by our wholesale power provider Dairyland Power Cooperative. Dairyland’s renewable energy comes from regional solar, wind, hydroelectric, and biogas generation resources.

Some states require a specific percentage of a utility’s energy sales come from renewable energy sources. Dairyland is exceeding those directives. The Evergreen blocks members are assigned are above and beyond those requirements.

It is affordable. Evergreen is voluntary and designed to fit any lifestyle. With blocks starting at just $0.65 per 100 kWh per month, it allows members an opportunity to be “green” and support renewable energy to the extent their budget allows.

It is easy. Private ownership of renewable energy generation equipment can be limited by cost and location. Evergreen doesn’t require any upfront costs for equipment or future maintenance. It provides an option for your home, farm or business to be “green” without solar panels or wind turbines physically on the property.

Dairyland’s own generation facilities and other generation resources within its service territory send their power onto the power grid. The actual electricity that serves your home, farm, or business may or may not come from renewable sources. However, when members enroll in Evergreen, each member increases the amount of renewable energy flowing onto the grid. Dairyland must match the demand for renewable energy from the Evergreen program.

Renewable energy from regional renewable energy resources is procured to meet Evergreen subscriptions.

Contact member services by calling (800) 214-2694 or emailing

Where are our Evergreen blocks sourced from?

9,402 Evergreen Blocks from Goose Lake Solar in Southern Minnesota

Evergreen Enrollment

To get started, click below.  If we have any questions regarding your enrollment, we will contact you when setting up your account.

Residential/Small Business Enrollment Form (PDF)     Large Business Enrollment Form (PDF)    Evergreen Online Enrollment