Evergreen Enrollment

Evergreen is a program developed by Dairyland Power Cooperative, our primary power provider, to give members the opportunity to make a difference and contribute to the
increased development and use of utility-scale renewable energy.  By volunteering to participate in this program, you are investing in the future of the environment and helping to ensure a cleaner and greener world for you, your children, and grandchildren.

To enroll, you can complete the online enrollment form on this page or print out, and submit the printable enrollment form to our office.

Residential/Small Business Enrollment Form (PDF)

Large Business Enrollment Form (PDF)

Please select which program(s) you'd like to participate in.
Everyone can support renewable energy for as little as $0.65 per month for a 100 kilowatt-hour (kWh) block of electricity
Make your hot water 'green' everyday!  Members who enroll their new electric water heater in our energy management program for storage water heaters will receive up to four Evergreen blocks. (no additional cost)
Go everywhere you want to go and charge your electric vehicle during off-peak hours.  Members who enroll in our energy management program for off-peak electric vehicle charging will receive up to four Evergreen blocks.  (No additional cost)
You can have 100 percent of your electricity use matched by renewable energy credits for $0.65 per 100 kWh based on your monthly average energy use over a 12-month period.  For example, if you use an average of 820 kWhs per month, then you would subscribe to nine Evergreen blocks for $9 per month and know everything you power is being matched by renewable energy.  Average electricity use will be re-calculated on an annual basis. (Contact the office for assistance will determining your monthly average usage.)
I would like to learn more about how a business or government entity can meet green energy or sustainability goals while also supporting increased opportunities for additional renewable energy generation sources.
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