Commercial, Industrial, and Agriculture Energy Management Programs
Commercial, industrial, and agriculture members, who require a larger demand on the system, may benefit from our peak demand programs. Participants also benefit from a reduced energy rate. Understand your options below.
Peak Alert (PA) Interuptible Rate
When a Maximum Generation Event or Regional Capacity Event is called, members on the Peak Alert Interruptible rate will automatically have their generator turned on for the duration of the event. A radio receiver is installed to facilitate this process.
Available to members where their monthly maximum demand will or has exceeded 20 kW for at least once annually and the member has the ability to maintain their system's operation during periods of load control through the use of a standby generator.
Basic Service Charge | $140.00 |
Demand Charges | |
Monthly Peak Transmission Charge | $7.75 / kW |
Seasonal Demand Charge when Load Control is Requested: | |
December through February | $34.37 / kW |
March through May | $7.66 / kW |
June through August | $73.66 / kW |
September through November | $7.66 / kW |
Energy Charge | $0.05910 / kWh |
Controllable Seasonal Rate (CSR)
When a Peak Energy Alert is called, members on the Controllable Seasonal rate voluntarily shed their load or ensure electric use will not come on during the event.
Available to members with seasonal energy use requiring between 70 and 300 KVA of transformer capacity.
Basic Service Charge | $140.00 |
Demand Charges | |
Monthly Peak Transmission Charge | $7.75 / kW |
Seasonal Demand Charge when Load Control is Requested: | |
December through February | $34.37 / kW |
March through May | $7.66 / kW |
June through August | $73.66 / kW |
September through November | $7.66 / kW |
Energy Charge | $0.05910 / kWh |
Breakdown of Control Seasons
Season | Months | Control Periods | Min. Monthly Full Load Control Events | Max. Full Load Control Events | Max. Seasonal Full Load Control Events | Seasonal Demand Charge for Failure to Shed |
Summer | June - August | 2:00 - 6:00 p.m. (staggered start time) | One (1) / month | Four (4) / month | Nine (9) / season | $77.79 / kW |
Winter | December - February | 5:00 - 8:00 p.m. (staggered start time) | No minimum | Three (3) / month | Three (3) / season | $29.68 / kW |
Additional Details
Billing for Failure to Shed Load
A Demand (kW) reading represents the highest instantaneous power draw through the meter recorded during a 15-minute interval. A bill for failing to shed load is determined by calculating the average of all the 15 minute intervals over the control periods, as recorded by the meter. If the generator picks up the load properly during all events, the meter will record a demand reading of zero kW during each of these 15 minute intervals.
Ownership of the Load Control System and Generator
Dairyland Power Cooperative, our power provider, owns the receiver. The member owns and is responsible for maintaining all other equipment as part of the system.