88th Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting gives members the opportunity to gather and peek behind the curtain to understand how the Cooperative powers our communities and lives.
A reminder that members in attendance at either location
will receive a $10 bill credit!
The 88th Annual Meeting of People's Energy Cooperative
The Official Order of Business
- Welcome, Announcements, & Introductions
- Invocation
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Announcement of Quorum
- Call to Order
- Approval of 87th Annual Meeting Minutes
- Financial Report
- Leadership Remarks
- Introduction of Director Candidates
- Announcement of Director Election Results
- Director Oath of Office
- Unfinished Business
- New Business
- High School Scholarship Awards
- Adjourn
Thursday, March 27, 2025
Doors Open: 5:00 p.m.
Business Meeting: 6:00 p.m.
Rochester International Event Center
(Main Site)
7333 Airport View Drive SW
Rochester, MN 55902
American Legion, Plainview
(Satellite Location)
215 3rd St SW
Plainview, MN 55964
A light meal will be served before the meeting at each location.
Members can access the live broadcast here on this page, on our You Tube channel, or on our Facebook page.
People's Energy You Tube Channel People's Energy Facebook Page
Board of Director Elections
As a member of People's Energy Cooperative, you have a voice in how your cooperative is governed and who represents you on the Board of Directors. We encourage you to participate in this year's Board of Director Elections.
During the last week of February 2025, members received information in their mailbox on how to participate in the Board of Director Elections. Every member received a paper ballot with directions on how to cast their vote either by paper ballot or online. For members with current email addresses on file, an email was sent from "People's Energy Cooperative Election Coordinator" at noreply@directvote.net with a direct link to vote. Members who utilize SmartHub also have access to a direct link to vote.
The voting link is "live" and open for voting. Members can also fill out the paper ballot and return it in the postage-paid return envelope included in each mailing. Ballots, both online and mailed via the USPS, must be received by March 26 at 10:30 a.m. CST. Members can also return ballots in person at the Annual Meeting on March 27, 2025.
Report of the Nominating Committee
January 6, 2025
In connection with the election of two (2) directors at the Annual Meeting to be held March 27, 2025, the following members were nominated for election by this committee.
Term | District | Nominees |
Three years | 1 |
Jonathan 'Jon' Kroening |
Three years | 6 |
Arthur 'Art' Friedrich |