Want to save energy and money? Enroll in the Cycled Air Conditioning Program. It's free and easy - you don’t even need to be home during installation.
A licensed electrician will install a small radio-controlled receiver on the outside of your home near your central air conditioning unit (not a window or wall unit). Both the receiver and installation are free.
During peak demand times (typically hot, humid days) the receiver may be automatically activated by Dairyland Power Cooperative, our power supplier, to cycle your air conditioner off and on in 15-minute intervals in order to help reduce the load on the grid. However, the fan stays on, circulating already-cooled air throughout your home. Most members don't even notice when the activation has occurred.
By participating in the program, you will receive a $5 credit on your bill during the months of June, July, and August.
To get started complete the Cycled Air Conditioning form located under 'Energy Management Resources' on the 'Energy Management Programs' page.